Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association (SGA) at Clarkson College is the voice of the students, serving as a communication link between students and the College community. SGA listens to students' suggestions and ideas in its work building a positive campus environment.

Involvement in SGA, which is available to all currently enrolled Clarkson College students, is a great way to build leadership skills and make a positive difference for your fellow students.

Official Documents

SGA By-Laws
Student Organization Handbook
SGA Application
SGA Standing Rules

SGA Executive Officers

President Jason DeLong
Vice President Bailey Dinucci
Secretary/Treasurer Sammi Avalos
Public Relations Chair Hannah Subbert

SGA Officer Descriptions

President: Preside at all meetings of SGA, prepare the agenda for each meeting, appoint special committees and chairpersons, and be a liaison and representative to the College and the public.

Vice President: Perform the duties of the president in his/her absence and serve as a representative to Student Activities Council.

Secretary/Treasurer: Record minutes and attendance during meetings. Maintain official records of SGA business, and promote and advertise all SGA meetings, activities and events within a timely manner. Maintain all SGA financial records, develop the SGA budget and serve as a member of student programming committee.

Public Relations Chair: Promote and advertise all SGA meetings, activities and events within a timely manner. Work with the Marketing department pertaining to articles about SGA in the Clarkson College student newsletter and updates to the SGA webpage. Act as a liaison for faculty senate and attend their monthly meetings.

Representative: Voice and vote for all students at Clarkson College within each receptive division recognized at the institution. Serve on committees of SGA to provide service for the College community.

Note: Candidates must be in good academic standing with a 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA and be available for bi-monthly meetings and other various projects. Any student running for an executive position will not be able to hold office on another organization executive board.

Constitution Day

Constitution Day is celebrated annually on September 17th in the United States to commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.


Student Government Association

Michael Ehrecke